Sit-Stand Desk Specialists

The benefits are huge!
Improve productivity
Research suggests that adopting a sit-stand lifestyle can increase productivity by up to 16%. By standing more often your circulation is improved and you feel less tired leading to higher energy levels and improved concentration. This enables you to be more focussed, productive and creative in the workplace. Get standing, get healthy, get productive, get inspired!
SHOP NOWWave goodbye to a sedentary lifestyle
The introduction of technology and less physically active jobs have all had their role to play in creating a sedentary lifestyle. Even if you exercise regularly, if you are sitting down for 8 hours a day or more you are living a sedentary lifestyle. Our standing desks help you get up, get moving, improve your health and burn calories so that you can wave goodbye to a sedentary lifestyle.

Improve your mood
Sitting down for long periods has been linked to depression as our blood flow slows down. You also start to feel sluggish and less inspired which is the last thing you want when trying to get through a day of work. Using a sit-stand desk encourages flexibility, movement and in turn helps improve your mood.
SHOP NOWLose weight
One of the key benefits of a sit-stand desk is that plain and simple it helps you to lose weight. Standing for 4 hours a day, 5 days a week over a year is the equivalent to burning 31,200 calories. Helping to keep your metabolism from going to sleep standing at work is the way forward.’ Call out

Improve back pain and reduce health risks
Sitting down all day is linked to several health risks. These include:
Sore neck and shoulders - Resulting from a slumped posture caused by sitting.
Heart disease - Yes really, muscles don’t burn as much fat while you’re sat down causing a build up of fatty acids.
Diabetes – Slowing down your ability to process insulin which helps your body convert glucose into energy. This in turn can lead to type 2 diabetes.
Back problems – If you suffer from a bad back this could be down to your desk. Not having the ability to adjust your desk means you are likely to suffer from bad posture and suffer from back aches and pains.